Technical and Operational Excellence, our-process: CSG follows an extensive part identification procedure that does not stop at model or part number, but captures the CommonLanguage Equipment Identification (CLEI) code that is then matched to specific BELLCORE or Telcordia records in our proprietary investment recovery platform, Assetcaster. This allows us to understand the model number, part number, revision number, manufacturing date and other pertinent pieces of data that may impact the value of the part. It also allows us to identify other dependencies and compatibility issues with other pieces of equipment. Once the equipment is removed from the carrier facility and arrives at the CSG processing facility, a thorough physical inventory is taken and components are inspected and tested. Parts are then cleaned and packaged to make ready for sale. Non-functioning equipment is evaluated and either sent to be refurbished and repaired or diverted for further processing and ultimate recycling or disposal. The full CSG investment recovery process includes: Conduct equipment inspection and package for shipment at seller’s central office or warehouse.

Pick up and transport equipment to CSG processing and storage facilities at no cost. We also provide free transportation for scrap materials removed from a site. Conduct a thorough physical inventory upon arrival at CSG facilities and scan all components and sub-components into the CSG inventory management system. Remove all previous asset tags and institutional identifiers from all parts. Take equipment through system testing using OEM test equipment and procedures. Reset equipment to factory defaults (cache, IOS, passwords). Erase all data storage elements to NIST 800-88 specifications. Permanently destroy inoperable hard drives by punching and shredding of all disks and platters. Scan, separate, weigh, and ship recyclable materials to reclamation and recycling partners for processing. CSG samples each lot for composition analysis conducted by a third party laboratory to verify and manage recycling yields. Ship non-recyclable materials to federally registered waste disposal processor and provide fully documented certificates of destruction.


Reclamation, Recycling and Disposal